What Time of the Year is Best for Duct Cleaning?
Many homeowners wonder when the best time is to clean their ducts. They know it’s probably dirty and dusty in there, but they typically want to know how to get the most value for the money.
It’s perfectly reasonable to ask whether it’s better to get your ducts cleaned in winter or summer. What’s the difference?
Typically, there’s no significant difference regarding results. A good crew of professional duct cleaning technicians will get your ducts and vents in pristine shape at your house or commercial property in June or December.
The time of year doesn’t matter as much as what’s going on in your vents.
Knowing when to clean can help maximize results and keep breathing easier at home or work. Here are some tips to help you see when you should schedule your next duct cleaning service.
Factors that Impact When You Should Schedule
Professional air duct cleaning is best done at least once a year or every two years. However, several factors influence the best time to schedule service. Here’s a look at some things you should consider:
Local Climate - What’s the weather like where you live? Think about whether you run your AC or your heating more. If you’ve got your system on more frequently during specific seasons, then you should schedule cleaning just before the busy HVAC periods to empty your ducts.
Location - Are you inside more often in the winter, summer, spring, or fall? If you’re inside more, you’re breathing indoor air, meaning you should focus on clean air at home or in the office.
How You Feel - If you partner with a reliable duct cleaning service, it’s easy to schedule a cleaning whenever you feel like there’s tons of dust in the house or your allergies start acting up. Pay attention to how your body responds to being inside for several hours. If you’re uncomfortable, it’s probably time for duct cleaning.
These are just some of the things to consider to decide the best time for your home or commercial property. Call a local professional and ask them for their advice when in doubt.
Getting Ducts Cleaned In the Spring/Summer
One of the main advantages of cleaning your ducts earlier in the year is you prevent excess dirt and pollen buildup inside your home.
Pay attention to how you feel inside your house to help you know when it’s time for service. For example, the following symptoms are possible signs you should clean your ducts:
Water Eyes
Tingling in Your Nose or Eyes
These and other allergic symptoms could indicate you’ve got too much dust, pollen, pet dander, or other allergens sitting in your vent.
During those warm summer months, people often turn on the air conditioner. However, pushing air around in your ducts could shake free dirt and other debris particles, circulating them into the air you breathe.
In addition, getting your ducts cleaned earlier in the year limits how much gunk you’ll have inside your HVAC system in the winter when people are indoors more often and breathing the air from your vents.
If you want to get ahead of the game and guarantee your air is as clean as possible, then schedule duct cleaning service before the weather cools.
The Benefits of Fall/Winter Air Duct Cleaning
We’ve mentioned that there’s not a significant difference in getting your ducts and vents cleaned at a specific time of year. However, there’s something to be said about getting a cleaning service before the cold of winter strikes.
You can confidently roll into winter with clear ducts, knowing your indoor air will be cleaner when you turn on the heat. In addition, you’re likely going to spend more hours indoors in the winter, so eliminating allergens is always a good idea.
Winter air duct cleaning is also a fantastic idea because, if you have pets, your furry friends will be inside for longer, right along with you.
Prepare for winter by getting your ducts in great shape. Then, you’ll thank yourself when you’re inside, trying to stay warm.
How Often Should I Schedule Air Duct Cleaning?
Now that you know a bit more about how to decide when to schedule air duct cleaning services, let’s explore some options regarding frequency.
Usually, we recommend homeowners or commercial property owners get their ducts cleaned at least once every two years. However, some property owners should service their ducts more regularly based on several factors. Let’s look at the following:
Sensitivities - Do you have children, pets, or other people at home or work who are particularly sensitive to allergens? Dust, pet dander, pollen, etc., can make people miserable. In severe cases, they can pose a health hazard. If so, get your vents and ducts cleaned more often.
Usage - Properties where the heating and cooling are always on tend to need more frequent cleanings to stay clean. When your HVAC is on, it’s pushing and pulling hair, dirt, and other debris inside your ducts.
Location - Some homes or businesses experience more dust and pollen because of their areas. For instance, if you’re around a bunch of trees that shed good amounts of pollen, it will wind up in your ducts. In these cases, you may want to schedule cleaning more than every other year.
Finding a Good Duct Cleaning Company
The company you choose to service your ducts matters. Ideally, you’ll find a company with a good track record that gives excellent service.
Here are some things you can do to increase your chances of working with a dependable company:
Check reviews
Ask for recommendations
Look for clear pricing
Pay attention to how quickly they respond to messages
These are fundamental components of a successful air duct cleaning company. The best services treat your home or commercial property like theirs, giving you honest recommendations on keeping your ducts in great shape all year and getting the high-quality indoor air you deserve.